Tuesday, January 25, 2005

IPOD To: Handome Boy Modeling School -- White People
WEB To: Shadowfist

Back again. Three in a row.. I didn't think i'd get this far!

Picking over this site, I see lots of things that I need to "conform" and just plain update. Some of my upcoming chores will include, re-saving out every darn gallery image, and replacing the old 'blue" with something from the current pallet. I also want to organize and expand on the link section quiet a bit. I have a collection of really neat and inspiring links, (as i'm sure we all do ) and I really want to catalogue and show the link collection I have thus far.

Thinking aloud. Catagories I will need are:
Artists :: Here is where i'll put independent artists' websites. Friends, Collegues, and Masters.
Filmmakers :: Links to inspire, and education those looking to become actual filmmakers!
Animation :: Well, I'd have to go with, anything specific to Animation
Reference :: Here is where i'll put things like , Texures, photo reference, anything that would be considered library.
Media :: Film, shorts, and artwork of all mediums will be collected here.
Gizmo Tech :: I'm a huge tech geek, so cool cuting edge technology and gadgets will be here.
CGI Tech :: Anything relating to CGI specific software, CGI tools, computers used for CGI production.. etc. ( CGI = Computer Generated Imagery )

So now that I have an actual record of what catagories, I should be able to whip something out pretty quick. So look forward to that.
Until next time,


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